Screen prosthetics is a wide subject and no one tutor will be an expert in all areas, so we complement the principal tutors’ skills bases with visiting specialists who teach disciplines such as hair work and finishing.
Our 7-week course tutors are all accomplished industry artists
Short Course Tutors
Our short courses are taught by high-profile film industry specialists
Neill Gorton teaches our 5-day Prosthetics Boot Camp, and our other short course tutors include master sculptor Don Lanning who visits regularly from Los Angeles to teach sculpting creatures and characters. We offer a range of other short courses at different times and the tutors' biographies are shown in the information about the course they're teaching.
About Neill Gorton
Since his career began in 1987 he has worked on hundreds of productions with performers such as Johnny Depp, Sir Kenneth Branagh and Lady Gaga, prolific directors including Steven Spielberg, Ron Howard and Joe Johnston and impresarios like Sir Andrew Lloyd-Webber.
Neill has taught at many institutions including Dublin’s Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Arts University Bournemouth where he was awarded an Honorary Fellowship in 2010, ACMUSE Australia, Leicester College, Grimsby Institute, The Israel Association of Cinema & Television Professionals in Tel Aviv, BBC Wales, Focal Zurich, Acte académie in France, MUD in Los Angeles and New York and the National Film & Television School. He is an advisor for the NFTS Digital FX Masters Degree and a Visiting Professor at the University of Bolton, where he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in 2017.